the promise we have
sun and shadows play
in different spaces now,
their schedules the same,
our place in time rearranged
the neighbor's bean fields sway,
a giant gypsy belt,
rolling in golden spangles
between the determined green
of surrounding pasture and trees
flecks of red,
orange, yellow
begin to decorate the lawn
as the tips of the tall maple fellows
between the stone house and dirt road
let a beautiful rainbowed yawn
and the sky takes
on a shade
that betrays the truth
of the time
whose arrival
we're perhaps not yet ready
to accept
(but clouds don't look like that
any other time of year)
herewe are
there are sentimentals like me
even among the tangle of green -
their roots, unseen,
keep them resolutely in place,
determinedly reaching up still,
turning up, even now, their face
and taking in
every drop of sun
that runs over the brim
of last season into now
time passed
and though we know
for life to last
yesterday must bow
to the unknown of tomorrow,
with the promise we have
of only today
it is difficult to say
the places where these moments divide,
what new corner they find
where they can hide
until, quietly and suddenly
they have metamorphosed
from now
into that place so near and far from here, Memory
the sun and shadows seem to shift
as one season lifts
and the next descends,
dancing together
so we cannot see
where one begins
and where one ends,
they have made friends
with Now
and agreed to let it hide behind them
when it is ready to stop being Today
towering sunflowers sway,
tired arms droop,
faces dim and lower,
and graceful,
they quietly cede
to the owners
of this new season
but zinnias in every shade shout "Treason!"
and defiantly remain
tall and proud
above the vines that have brought forth
some of this new Today's superstars:
pumpkins splash a large and heavy and loud
pattern across the tired garden patch,
that yields to the will of weeds
as this new Today continues to hatch
and bring with it
it's own glory days
of eager raspberry arms
now conquer the northwest corner,
stretching out their gifts
like sweet fleeting rubies
kale stands, patient and green,
and knows
only if it stands through
the inevitable cold that waits
somewhere between
a future Tomorrow and Today,
will it be able to offer itself
at it's sweetest
tiny baas still greet us
from happy mouths
on growing faces
and as this Today chases
the last one away,
i make the effort to stay
of the infinite nature
of just this moment,
and feel small,
yet comforted,
as it all
continues to flow,
unstoppable, always changing,
each one new,
but yet somehow the same
and i am so humbled
to have been made
a part of it
the start of it
so far away,
the end
so beyond sight
there is day,
and then night,
and then again
and again,
and exactly when
one becomes the other,
and looks so different
and yet somehow the same
as the last,
i can't decipher
but i am ready
to let go
of both
and what is past
and accept
this new Today
just the way
it is
and for it, lift
my face and my arms in thanks,
for it is indeed good,
this Today,
this gift.